2019 Meet the Candidates Political Rally

5:00 pm Social/ One on One visit with the Candidates
6:00 pm Rally begins, hear of their plans, directly from the Candidates

Cash bar. No Admission fee/ FREE to the Public.

Hear for yourselves, what the Candidates have to say about their objectives and goals for Office.

Hear from Candidates running for:
Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry
Commissioner of Insurance
BESE District 5
BESE District 8
Police Juror District 1
Police Juror District 3
Police Juror District 4
Police Juror District 5
Police Juror District 6
Police Juror District 7
Police Juror District 8
Police Juror District 9

“It is our responsibility to ourselves as a Citizen, to Educate Yourself, research, THEN VOTE “.

For more information please contact us at 337-363-187



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